#857112 bug uniemożliwia uruchomienie thunderbirda, póki zaktuaizowana paczka nie pojawi się w reozytorium można ręcznie zastosować workaround:
This is due to an error in the script/usr/bin/thunderbird:
You cannot use the \ to merge multiple lines AND have a comment:
elif { [ -d "${ID_PROFILE_FOLDER}" ] || [ -L "${ID_PROFILE_FOLDER}" ]; } && \
# .icedove exists as folder or symlink
{ [ -d "${TB_PROFILE_FOLDER}" ] || [ -L "${TB_PROFILE_FOLDER}" ]; } && \
# .thunderbird exists as folder or symlink
[ "$(readlink -e "${TB_PROFILE_FOLDER}")" != "${ID_PROFILE_FOLDER}" ];
then # compare if canonical name of both folders equal
Workaround is to remove the comments on those two lines (Anything after \).